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The Life of St Teresa of Avila by Herself
Author: Teresa of Avila Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 320 Born in the Castilian town of Avila in 1515, Teresa entered the Carmelite convent of the Incarnation when...
The Conference of the Birds
Author: Farid Attar Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 304 Composed in the twelfth century in north-eastern Iran, Attar's great mystical poem is among the most significant of all...
Culture and Anarchy and Other Selected Prose
Author: Matthew Arnold Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 528 Poet, education reformer, social theorist and passionate critic of Victorian England, Matthew Arnold condemned an industrial society in 'bondage...
The Art of Rhetoric
Author: Aristotle Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 304 With the emergence of democracy in the city-state of Athens in the years around 460 BC, public speaking became an...
De Anima (On the Soul)
Author: Aristotle Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 256 For the Pre-Socratic philosophers the soul was the source of movement and sensation, while for Plato it was the seat...
The Way of a Pilgrim: Candid Tales of a Wanderer to His Spiritual Father
Author: Andrew Louth Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 224 A simple peasant seeks spiritual fulfilment in this apparently artless tale of popular piety. 'Here, see my belongings- a...
The Letters of Abelard and Heloise
Author: Peter Abelard Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 384 The story of Abelard and Heloise remains one of the world's most celebrated and tragic love affairs. Through their...
Either/Or: A Fragment of Life
Author: Alastair Hannay Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 640 In Either/Or, using the voices of two characters - the aesthetic young man of part one, called simply 'A',...
The Birth of Tragedy: Out of the Spirit of Music
Author: Friedrich Nietzsche Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 160 A compelling argument for the necessity for art in life, Nietzsche's first book is fuelled by his enthusiasms for...
Letters from a Stoic: Epistulae Morales Ad Lucilium
Author: Seneca Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 256 Selected from the Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium, Seneca's Letters from a Stoic are a set of 'essays in disguise' from...
The Symposium
Author: Plato Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 144 In the course of a lively drinking party, a group of Athenian intellectuals exchange views on eros, or desire. From...
Author: Plato Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 496 Authoritative new edition of Plato's Republic by acclaimed translator Christopher Rowe 'We set about founding the best city we could,...
The Nicomachean Ethics
Author: Aristotle Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 400 Aristotole's examination of the nature of happiness In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle sets out to examine the nature of happiness....
On the Genealogy of Morals
Author: Friedrich Nietzsche Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 208 The companion book to Beyond Good and Evil, the three essays included here offer vital insights into Nietzsche's theories...
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Author: Friedrich Nietzsche Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 352 Friedrich Nietzsche's most accessible and influential philosophical work, misquoted, misrepresented, brilliantly original and enormously influential, Thus Spoke Zarathustra is...
Beyond Good and Evil
Author: Friedrich Nietzsche Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 240 Friedrich Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil is translated from the German by R.J. Hollingdale with an introduction by Michael...
Author: Marcus Aurelius Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 304 A new translation of Marcus Aurelius's pithy and inspirational philosophical notebooks. Written in Greek by an intellectual Roman emperor...
Doomsday Cults: A Fatal Attraction
Author: Jonathan Moore Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 208 For hundreds of years seers and prophets have used the Bible's Book of Revelations to whip up hysteria and...
The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony
Author: Roberto Calasso Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 416 New to Penguin Classics, the international bestseller by one of Europe's pre-eminent literary figures. The Marriage of Cadmus and...
Islam: The Essentials
Author: Tariq Ramadan Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 336 The essential introduction to Islam by a leading expert. The essential introduction to Islam by a leading expert Hardly...
Author: Roberto Calasso Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 432 A remarkable retelling of Hindu mythology, from one of Europe's greatest literary figures. In Ka, Roberto Calasso delves into...
Simone Weil: An Anthology
Author: Simone Weil Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 336 Simone Weil was one of the foremost thinkers of the twentieth century- a philosopher, theologian, critic, sociologist and political...
Strangers Drowning: Impossible Idealism, Drastic Choices, and the Urge to Help
$10.00 AUD
Author: Larissa MacFarquhar Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 336 What does it mean to devote yourself wholly to helping others? In Strangers Drowning, Larissa MacFarquhar seeks out people...
Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way: Nagarjuna'S Mulamadhyamakakarika
Author: Naagaarjuna Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 334 This is not a standard translation of "Mulamadhyamakakarika." Translator Nishijima Roshi believes that the original translation from Chinese into Sanskrit...
Judas and Jesus: Two Faces of a Single Revelation
Author: Jean-Yves Leloup Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 192 A radical reinterpretation of the relationship of Judas and Jesus * Reexamines the role and the purpose the key...
Memoirs of a Political Officer's Wife in Tibet, Sikkin and Bhu
$12.00 AUD
Author: Margaret D. Williams
Format: Paperback / softback
Number of Pages: 240
Memoirs portraying life in Tibet, Sikkim and Bhutan in the 1930s.
The Edge of Reason: A Rational Skeptic in an Irrational World
Author: Julian Baggini Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 272 An urgent defense of reason, the essential method for resolving-or even discussing-divisive issues Reason, long held as the highest human achievement,...
This Life: Why Mortality Makes Us Free
Author: Martin Hagglund Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 464 'It is always lucid, and is at its heart remarkably simple. You could extract its essence and offer it...
Cunegonde's Kidnapping: A Story of Religious Conflict in the Age of Enlightenment
Author: Benjamin J. Kaplan Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 312 How a popular religious war erupted on the Dutch-German border, despite the ideals of religious tolerance proclaimed by the Enlightenment...
The Dawning Moon of the Mind
$12.00 AUD
Author: Susan Brind Morrow Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 304 Buried in the Egyptian desert some four thousand years ago, the Pyramid Texts are among the world's oldest...
The Tao of Pooh & The Te of Piglet
Author: Benjamin Hoff Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 432 "It's hard to be brave,' said Piglet, sniffing slightly, "when you're only a Very Small Animal." Rabbit, who had...
Philosophical Provocations: 55 Short Essays
Author: Colin McGinn Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 328 Pithy, direct, and bold- essays that propose new ways to think about old problems, spanning a range of philosophical topics.In Philosophical...
In Search of the Soul: A Philosophical Essay
Author: John Cottingham Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 192 How our beliefs about the soul have developed through the ages, and why an understanding of it still matters...
Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy: Mission Accomplished or Mission Frakked Up?
Author: Josef Steiff Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 288 In attempting to retain her "human" side, does Sharon really have free will? Is killing a Cylon murder or...
Inconsistencies: Volume 7
Author: Marcus Steinweg Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 144 Meditations, aphorisms, maxims, notes, and comments construct a philosophy of thought congruent with the inconsistency of our reality.Those who...
A Brief Guide to Spiritual Classics: From Dark Night of the Soul to The Power of Now
Author: James M. Russell Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 224 This very readable brief guide examines a wide range of spiritual writing that can be read for enjoyment...
HOLY BIBLE: King James Version (KJV) Popular Gift & Award Black Leatherette Edition
Author: Collins KJV Bibles Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 1152 An Award or Presentation Bible in the King James Version: ideal as a gift or to keep The...
The Bible for Grown-Ups: A New Look at the Good Book
Author: Simon Loveday Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 304 'Loveday's case is that the mantle of historical truth and divine authority has placed upon the Bible an intolerable...