Together Alone

Together Alone

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Author: Barbara Delinsky

Format: Paperback

Number of Pages: 512

New York Times bestselling author Barbara Delinsky weaves a stunning and intricate tapestry of life, love, and acceptance. With their daughters off to college, the time has come for forever best friends Emily, Kay, and Celeste to redefine themselves as women. Once half of a perfect marriage-still suffering from a terrible loss-Emily hardly knows her workaholic husband, Doug, anymore, and is drawn instead to what is offered by a new neighbor. A dedicated teacher who loves her job, Kay is confused and troubled by husband John's unfamiliar demands. And Celeste, long-divorced and ecstatic with freedom, sees her electric new life dimmed when her child is endangered. As the three friends struggle to navigate this uncharted territory, they find themselves redefining their dreams, desires, and what it means-to each of them-to be a woman. But before they can bring about change, they must learn the hardest lesson of all: how to love themselves.
Vendor: Book Grocer
Type: Paperback
SKU: 9780061713545-RETAIL
Availability : In Stock Pre order Out of stock

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Author: Barbara Delinsky

Format: Paperback

Number of Pages: 512

New York Times bestselling author Barbara Delinsky weaves a stunning and intricate tapestry of life, love, and acceptance. With their daughters off to college, the time has come for forever best friends Emily, Kay, and Celeste to redefine themselves as women. Once half of a perfect marriage-still suffering from a terrible loss-Emily hardly knows her workaholic husband, Doug, anymore, and is drawn instead to what is offered by a new neighbor. A dedicated teacher who loves her job, Kay is confused and troubled by husband John's unfamiliar demands. And Celeste, long-divorced and ecstatic with freedom, sees her electric new life dimmed when her child is endangered. As the three friends struggle to navigate this uncharted territory, they find themselves redefining their dreams, desires, and what it means-to each of them-to be a woman. But before they can bring about change, they must learn the hardest lesson of all: how to love themselves.