Elisabeth Smith Traveller's: French
Learn all the language you need for travelling, shopping, ordering food, staying in a hotel and more. This is your essential guide to getting out and really speaking. In just 35 minutes a day for six weeks you'll be ready to get out and about and make the most of your holiday.
Elisabeth Smith has sold over one million copies worldwide of her Teach Yourself books, CDs, DVDs and apps in 11 different languages. Her entertaining and practical approach has helped people all around the world to learn a language they can use.
Author: Elisabeth Smith
Format: Mixed media product, 160 pages, 128mm x 196mm, 140 g
Published: 2013, John Murray Press, United Kingdom
Genre: Language Studies (other than ELT)
Learn all the language you need for travelling, shopping, ordering food, staying in a hotel and more. This is your essential guide to getting out and really speaking. In just 35 minutes a day for six weeks you'll be ready to get out and about and make the most of your holiday.
Elisabeth Smith has sold over one million copies worldwide of her Teach Yourself books, CDs, DVDs and apps in 11 different languages. Her entertaining and practical approach has helped people all around the world to learn a language they can use.