Some Hope

Some Hope

$19.99 AUD $10.00 AUD

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Author: Edward St Aubyn

Format: Paperback

Number of Pages: 224

The third of the Melrose novels. Some Hope finds Patrick qualified as a barrister and speaking for the first time about the damage in his past, searching for redemption amidst a crowd of glittering social dragonflies whose vapidity is the subject of his most stinging and memorable barbs. It ends at a party in Gloucestershire with one of the most dazzling comic set pieces of the twentieth century.
Vendor: Book Grocer
Type: Paperback
SKU: 9781447202967
Availability : In Stock Pre order Out of stock

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Author: Edward St Aubyn

Format: Paperback

Number of Pages: 224

The third of the Melrose novels. Some Hope finds Patrick qualified as a barrister and speaking for the first time about the damage in his past, searching for redemption amidst a crowd of glittering social dragonflies whose vapidity is the subject of his most stinging and memorable barbs. It ends at a party in Gloucestershire with one of the most dazzling comic set pieces of the twentieth century.