Proper Animal Names: What They Should Really Be Called
Yes, kangaroo might be the actual name, but doesn't Tyrannosaurus Deer sound better?
Behold in these pages the Floaty Potato, Wizard Cat and Spiky Floof, among a host of other beasts with absurdly improved appellations. See nature in a bizarre new light as Proper Animal Names throws out the old labels in favour of the sublimely ridiculous.Author: Spike Hudson
Format: Hardback, 96 pages, 190mm x 142mm
Published: 2018, Octopus Publishing Group, United Kingdom
Genre: Humour: Collections & General
Yes, kangaroo might be the actual name, but doesn't Tyrannosaurus Deer sound better?
Behold in these pages the Floaty Potato, Wizard Cat and Spiky Floof, among a host of other beasts with absurdly improved appellations. See nature in a bizarre new light as Proper Animal Names throws out the old labels in favour of the sublimely ridiculous.Proper Animal Names: What They Should Really Be Called