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Works and Days

Works and Days

$17.99 AUD$15.29 AUD
Author: Hesiod Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 112 A new verse translation of one of the foundational ancient Greek works by the award-winning poet Alicia Stallings. The ancient...
The Prophet

The Prophet

$32.99 AUD$28.04 AUD
Author: Kahlil Gibran Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 128 A stunning new hardcover edition--linen with copper stamping-of one of the world's most beloved and popular spiritual classics, featuring a new...
The Sonnets and a Lover's Complaint

The Sonnets and a Lover's Complaint

$35.00 AUD$29.75 AUD
Author: William Shakespeare Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 272 When this volume of Shakespeare's poems first appeared in 1609, he had already written most of the great plays that made...
The Iliad

The Iliad

$39.99 AUD$33.99 AUD
Author: Homer Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 560 With compassion and humanity, he presents a universal and tragic view of the world, of human life lived under the shadow of...
The Odyssey

The Odyssey

$32.99 AUD$28.04 AUD
Author: Homer Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 560 Homer's best-loved and most accessible poem, recounting the great wandering of Odysseus during his ten-year voyage back home to Ithaca,...
Black Book of Poems II

Black Book of Poems II

$27.99 AUD$10.00 AUD
Author: Vincent Hunanyan Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 144 This collection offers a refreshingly honest approach to life and love that is realistic and relatable to everyone. Written...
A Beautiful Composition of Broken

A Beautiful Composition of Broken

$32.99 AUD$10.00 AUD
Author: r.h. Sin Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 480 A Beautiful Composition of Broken is inspired by some of the events expressed artistically by Samantha King in the...


$24.99 AUD$21.24 AUD
Author: Evelyn Araluen Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 96 An innovative collection of poetry and prose from a vibrant new Indigenous voice on the Australian literary scene. I...
The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso

The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso

$26.99 AUD$22.94 AUD
Author: Robin Kirkpatrick Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 752 Robin Kirkpatrick's superb translation of the most famous work of Italian literature, in a one-volume edition The Divine Comedy...
Songs of Mihyar the Damascene

Songs of Mihyar the Damascene

$22.99 AUD$19.54 AUD
Author: Adonis Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 256 The landmark poetry collection that transformed 20th-century Arabic poetry, in a brilliant new translation by Kareem James Abu-Zeid and Ivan...
PARADISE: Dante's Divine Trilogy Part Three. Englished in Prosaic Verse by Alasdair Gray

PARADISE: Dante's Divine Trilogy Part Three. Englished in Prosaic Verse by Alasdair Gray

$29.99 AUD$21.45 AUD
Author: Alasdair Gray Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 144 Dante, now guided by Beatrice, faces the final third of his epic journey through the wheels of divine justice. Yet as...
The Epic of Gilgamesh

The Epic of Gilgamesh

$22.99 AUD$19.54 AUD
Author: N. Sandars Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 128 Gilgamesh, King of Uruk, and his companion Enkidu are the only heroes to have survived from the ancient literature...
Inferno: Popular Penguins

Inferno: Popular Penguins

$14.99 AUD$12.74 AUD
Author: Dante Alighieri Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 450 Describing Dante's descent into Hell midway through his life with Virgil as a guide, Inferno depicts a cruel underworld...
The Essential Ginsberg

The Essential Ginsberg

$29.99 AUD$25.49 AUD
Author: Allen Ginsberg Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 448 'Everybody's serious but me. It occurs to me that I am America. I am talking to myself again.' Bringing...
Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda

Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda

$19.99 AUD$16.99 AUD
Author: Pablo Neruda Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 512 A dazzling collection of poetry by the greatest Latin-American Poet of our time The perfect gift for Valentine's Day...


$19.99 AUD$16.99 AUD
Author: Wilfred Owen Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 96 A collectible new Penguin Classics series- beautiful, slim, clothbound editions of ten favourite poets. I mean the truth untold, The pity...
The Penguin Book of Oulipo: Queneau, Perec, Calvino and the Adventure of Form

The Penguin Book of Oulipo: Queneau, Perec, Calvino and the Adventure of Form

$22.99 AUD$19.54 AUD
Author: Philip Terry Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 592 A celebration of one of the most curious and playful literary groups of the twentieth century Brought together for...
The Collected Poems

The Collected Poems

$22.99 AUD$19.54 AUD
Author: Robert Frost Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 640 'Frost was the first American poet who could honestly be reckoned a master-poet by world standards' Robert Graves No...
A Thousand Crimson Blooms

A Thousand Crimson Blooms

$24.99 AUD$21.24 AUD
Author: Eileen Chong Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 96 The stunning new collection from prize-winning poet Eileen Chong - her most personal and accomplished work yet. Eileen Chong's...
Heroes: The myths of the Ancient Greek heroes retold

Heroes: The myths of the Ancient Greek heroes retold

$24.99 AUD$21.24 AUD
Author: Stephen Fry Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 496 The dazzling companion volume to the bestselling MYTHOS. There are heroes - and then there are Greek heroes Few...
Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold

Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold

$24.99 AUD$21.24 AUD
Author: Stephen Fry Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 464 One of the most imaginative minds alive retells the greatest stories in history - the Greek Myths The Greek...
Selected Poems

Selected Poems

$22.99 AUD$19.54 AUD
Author: Robert Browning Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 352 Robert Browning was one of the greatest of English poets, whose intense and original imagination enabled him to transform...
The Poems

The Poems

$32.99 AUD$28.04 AUD
Author: Caius Valerius Catullus Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 256 One of the most versatile of Roman poets, Catullus wrote verse of an almost unparalleled diversity and stylistic...
Selected Poems

Selected Poems

$22.99 AUD$19.54 AUD
Author: William Wordsworth Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 352 One of the major poets of Romanticism, Wordsworth epitomized the spirit of his age with his celebration of the...
Leaves of Grass

Leaves of Grass

$26.99 AUD$22.94 AUD
Author: Walt Whitman Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 192 As Malcolm Cowley says in his introduction, the first edition of Leaves of Grass 'might be called the buried...
The Penguin Book of First World War Poetry

The Penguin Book of First World War Poetry

$17.99 AUD$15.29 AUD
Author: Matthew George Walter Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 448 This anthology reflects the diversity of voices it contains- the poems are arranged thematically and the themes reflect...
Arthurian Romances

Arthurian Romances

$27.99 AUD$23.79 AUD
Author: Chretien Troyes Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 528 Taking the legends surrounding King Arthur and weaving in new psychological elements of personal desire and courtly manner, Chretien...
The Penguin Book of Japanese Verse

The Penguin Book of Japanese Verse

$22.99 AUD$19.54 AUD
Author: Geoffrey Bownas Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 368 The Penguin Book of Japanese Versecontains over 700 poems from the third century to the twentieth, including both tanka...
Selected Poems: Tennyson

Selected Poems: Tennyson

$22.99 AUD$19.54 AUD
Author: Alfred Lord Tennyson Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 432 The works in this volume trace nearly sixty years in the literary career of one of the nineteenth...
Selected Poems

Selected Poems

$22.99 AUD$19.54 AUD
Author: Rabindranath Tagore Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 208 The poems of Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) are among the most haunting and tender in Indian and in world literature,...
The Penguin Book of English Song: Seven Centuries of Poetry from Chaucer to Auden

The Penguin Book of English Song: Seven Centuries of Poetry from Chaucer to Auden

$29.99 AUD$25.49 AUD
Author: Richard Stokes Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 976 An anthology of some of the greatest poetry in the English language Poetry and music have been associated with...
The Pillow Book

The Pillow Book

$22.99 AUD$19.54 AUD
Author: Sei Shonagon Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 400 From short tales to lists of beautiful and ugly things, Sei Shonagon tells of a leisurely life in the...
Selected Poems and Prose

Selected Poems and Prose

$29.99 AUD$25.49 AUD
Author: Percy Bysshe Shelley Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 944 Heaven's light forever shines, Earth's shadows fly; Life, like a dome of many-coloured glass, Stains the white radiance...
Complete Poems

Complete Poems

$55.00 AUD$46.75 AUD
Author: Christina Rossetti Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 1280 Rossetti is unique among Victorian poets for the sheer range of her subject matter and the variety of her...
The Pre-Raphaelites: From Rossetti to Ruskin

The Pre-Raphaelites: From Rossetti to Ruskin

$32.99 AUD$28.04 AUD
Author: Dinah Roe Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 432 The Pre-Raphaelite Movement began in 1848, and experienced its heyday in the 1860s and 1870s. Influenced by the then...
Letters to a Young Poet

Letters to a Young Poet

$17.99 AUD$15.29 AUD
Author: Rainer Maria Rilke Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 84At the start of the twentieth century, Rainer Maria Rilke wrote a series of letters to a young officer...
Selected Poetry

Selected Poetry

$22.99 AUD$19.54 AUD
Author: Alexander Pushkin Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 336 A new collection of Pushkin's great narrative and lyric verse, translated by Antony Wood WINNER OF THE READ RUSSIA...
The Erotic Poems

The Erotic Poems

$24.99 AUD$21.24 AUD
Author: Ovid Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 464 This collection of Ovid's poems deals with the whole spectrum of sexual desire, ranging from deeply emotional declarations of eternal...
The Penguin Book of the Prose Poem: From Baudelaire to Anne Carson

The Penguin Book of the Prose Poem: From Baudelaire to Anne Carson

$24.99 AUD$21.24 AUD
Author: Jeremy Noel-Tod Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 480 In The Penguin Book of the Prose Poem, Margaret Atwood rubs shoulders with Claudia Rankine; Lu Xun and Rabindranath...
The Complete Poems

The Complete Poems

$27.99 AUD$23.79 AUD
Author: Andrew Marvell Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 336 Member of Parliament, tutor to Oliver Cromwell's ward, satirist and friend of John Milton, Andrew Marvell was one of...
The Aeneid

The Aeneid

$32.99 AUD$28.04 AUD
Author: Virgil Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 384 From the award-winning translator ofThe IliadandThe Odysseycomes a brilliant new translation of Virgil's great epic Fleeing the ashes of Troy,...
The Eclogues

The Eclogues

$22.99 AUD$19.54 AUD
Author: Virgil Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 144 Haunting and enigmatic, Virgil's Eclogues combined a Greek literary form with scenes from contemporary Roman life to create a work...
The Aeneid

The Aeneid

$22.99 AUD$19.54 AUD
Author: Virgil Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 368 Inspired by Homer, and the inspiration for Dante and Milton, Virgil's The Aeneid is an immortal epic poem of the...
The Nature of Things

The Nature of Things

$22.99 AUD$19.54 AUD
Author: Lucretius Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 304 Lucretius' poem On the Nature of Things combines a scientific and philosophical treatise with some of the greatest poetry ever...
The Complete Nonsense and Other Verse

The Complete Nonsense and Other Verse

$27.99 AUD$23.79 AUD
Author: Vivien Noakes Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 624 First time in Black Classics 'Nonsense is the breath of my nostrils', wrote Edward Lear (1812-88), and this collection...
Selected Poems

Selected Poems

$22.99 AUD$19.54 AUD
Author: D H Lawrence Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 240 'Softly in the dusk, a woman is singing to me; Talking me back down the vista of years'...
The Ruba'iyat of Omar Khayyam

The Ruba'iyat of Omar Khayyam

$22.99 AUD$19.54 AUD
Author: Omar Khayyam Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 128 Revered in eleventh-century Persia as an astronomer, mathematician and philosopher, Omar Khayyam is now known first and foremost for...
The Penguin Book of Haiku

The Penguin Book of Haiku

$24.99 AUD$21.24 AUD
Author: Adam L. Kern Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 544 First Penguin volume of best Japanese haiku vivid translations. Gaze I shall! 'til the very blossoms become a...