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The Egyptian Book of the Dead
Author: John Romer Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 992 A collection of funerary texts - spells, prayers and incantations - to enable the dead to overcome obstacles and...
The Dhammapada
Author: Valerie Roebuck Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 320 A new translation by Valerie Roebuck of this seminal work of Buddhist literature One of the best-known and best-loved...
The Enneads
Author: John Dillon Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 688 Regarded as the founder of Neo-Platonism, Plotinus (AD 204-70) was the last great philosopher of antiquity, producing 0works that...
The Laws
Author: Plato Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 592 In the Laws, Plato describes in fascinating detail a comprehensive system of legislation in a small agricultural utopia he named...
Timaeus and Critias
Author: Plato Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 176 Timaeus and Critias is a Socratic dialogue in two parts. A response to an account of an ideal state told...
Author: Plato Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 208 A revised edition of a classic translation, with completely new editorial material Taking the form of a dialogue between Socrates,...
Protagoras and Meno
Author: Plato Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 208 Exploring the question of what exactly makes good people good, Protagoras and Meno are two of the most enjoyable and...
Author: Blaise Pascal Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 368 Blaise Pascal, the precociously brilliant contemporary of Descartes, was a gifted mathematician and physicist, but it is his unfinished...
Revelations of Divine Love
Author: Julian Of Norwich Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 240 Coming from a society where women were barred from serious writing and teaching, Julian, an anchorite in the...
The Will to Power
Author: Friedrich Nietzsche Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 688 New to Penguin Classics, The Will to Power includes some of Nietzsche's most important thoughts on nihilism, metaphysics and...
Twilight of Idols and Anti-Christ
Author: Friedrich Nietzsche Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 224 'Twilight of the Idols', an attack on all the prevalent ideas of his time, offers a lightning tour of...
Early Christian Writings: The Apostolic Fathers
Author: Andrew Louth Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 208 The writings in this volume cast a glimmer of light upon the emerging traditions and organization of the infant...
The Upanishads
Author: Juan Mascaro Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 144 The Upanishads, the earliest of which were composed in Sanskrit between 800 and 400 bce by sages and poets,...
Selected Writings
Author: Thomas Aquinas Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 880 In his reflections on Christianity, Saint Thomas Aquinas forged a unique synthesis of ancient philosophy and medieval theology. Preoccupied...
Personal Writings
Author: Ignatius Of Loyola Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 448 One of the key figures in Christian history, St. Ignatius of Loyola (c. 1491-1556) was a passionate and...
Buddhist Scriptures
Author: Donald Lopez Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 608 A rich new selection of Buddhist writings, representing the full range of historical periods, geographical origins and literary styles....
Fear and Trembling: Dialectical Lyric by Johannes De Silentio
Author: Soren Kierkegaard Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 176 In Fear and Trembling Kierkegaard, writing under the pseudonym Johannes de silentio, expounds his personal view of religion through...
The Qur'an
Author: Tarif Khalidi Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 560 'Had We sent down this Qur'an upon a mountain, You would have seen it humbled, Shattered from the fear...
Critique of Pure Reason
Author: Immanuel Kant Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 784 New translation for the greatest masterpiece of the man many regard as the most important modern philosopher Kant's Critique...
The Cynic Philosophers: from Diogenes to Julian
Author: Diogenes of Sinope Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 288 A unique new volume illuminating the philosophy of the ancient Greek and Roman Cynics From their founding in...
A Treatise of Human Nature
Author: David Hume Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 688 One of the most significant works of Western philosophy, Hume's Treatise was published in 1739-40, before he was thirty...
Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics
Author: Georg Hegel Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 256 No philosopher has held a higher opinion of art than Hegel, yet nor was any so profoundly pessimistic about...
Ancient Rhetoric: From Aristotle to Philostratus
Author: Thomas Habinek Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 336 A new and original anthology that introduces the use of rhetoric in the classical world, from Aristotle to Cicero...
The Pocket Oracle and Art of Prudence
Author: Baltasar Gracian Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 176 The perennially popular book of advice on how to achieve personal and professional success, new to Penguin Classics Written...
Selected Writings
Author: Meister Eckhart Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 336 Composed during a critical time in the evolution of European intellectual life, the works of Meister Eckhart (c. 1260-1327)...
The Rig Veda
Author: Wendy Doniger Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 352 The earliest of the four Hindu religious scriptures known as the Vedas, and the first extensive composition to survive...
Discourse on Method and Related Writings
Author: Rene Descartes Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 256 This is the second of a new two-volume edition of the works of Descartes in Penguin Classics. This volume...
Meditations and Other Metaphysical Writings
Author: Rene Descartes Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 256 Penguin Classics relaunch Of all the works of the man claimed by many as the father of modern philosophy,...
The Complete Essays
Author: Michel Montaigne Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 1360 Michel de Montaigne was one of the most influential figures of the Renaissance, singlehandedly responsible for popularising the essay...
The Koran: With Parallel Arabic Text
Author: Mr N J Dawood Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 640 The Koran, with parallel Arabic text The Koran is universally accepted by Muslims to be the infallible...
The Analects
Author: Confucius Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 256 The Analects express a philosophy, or a moral code, by which Confucius, one of the most humane thinkers of all...
On Living and Dying Well
Author: Cicero Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 240 A selection of Cicero's philosophical writings on 'the good life', in a lively new translation by Thomas Habinek In the...
Early Socratic Dialogues
Author: Emlyn-Jones Chris Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 400 Rich in drama and humour, they include the controversial Ion, a debate on poetic inspiration; Laches, in which Socrates...
The Prose Edda
Author: Jesse Byock Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 224 First time in Penguin Classics for Scandinavia's best known work of literature and the principal source for knowledge about...
A Philosophical Enquiry into the Sublime and Beautiful
Author: Edmund Burke Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 528 Edmund Burke was one of the foremost philosophers of the eighteenth century and wrote widely on aesthetics, politics and...
Russian Thinkers
Author: Isaiah Berlin Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 432 This revised edition has been completely re-set with an updated index and a new preface Isaiah Berlin witnessed the...
The Rule of Benedict
Author: Saint Benedict of Nursia Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 160 Founder of a monastery at Monte Cassino, between Roma and Naples, in the sixth century, St Benedict...
The Narrow Road to the Deep North and Other Travel Sketches
Author: Matsuo Basho Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 176 Basho's beautifully-written and closely observed descriptions of his travels in Japan In his perfectly crafted haiku poems, Basho described...
Early Greek Philosophy
Author: Jonathan Barnes Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 336 Democritus' atomic theory of matter, Zeno's dazzling 'proofs' that motion is impossible, Pythagorean insights into mathematics, Heraclitus' haunting and...
The Life of St Teresa of Avila by Herself
Author: Teresa of Avila Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 320 Born in the Castilian town of Avila in 1515, Teresa entered the Carmelite convent of the Incarnation when...
The Conference of the Birds
Author: Farid Attar Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 304 Composed in the twelfth century in north-eastern Iran, Attar's great mystical poem is among the most significant of all...
The Art of Rhetoric
Author: Aristotle Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 304 With the emergence of democracy in the city-state of Athens in the years around 460 BC, public speaking became an...
De Anima (On the Soul)
Author: Aristotle Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 256 For the Pre-Socratic philosophers the soul was the source of movement and sensation, while for Plato it was the seat...
The Way of a Pilgrim: Candid Tales of a Wanderer to His Spiritual Father
Author: Andrew Louth Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 224 A simple peasant seeks spiritual fulfilment in this apparently artless tale of popular piety. 'Here, see my belongings- a...
The Birth of Tragedy: Out of the Spirit of Music
Author: Friedrich Nietzsche Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 160 A compelling argument for the necessity for art in life, Nietzsche's first book is fuelled by his enthusiasms for...
Letters from a Stoic: Epistulae Morales Ad Lucilium
Author: Seneca Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 256 Selected from the Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium, Seneca's Letters from a Stoic are a set of 'essays in disguise' from...
The Symposium
Author: Plato Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 144 In the course of a lively drinking party, a group of Athenian intellectuals exchange views on eros, or desire. From...
Author: Plato Format: Paperback / softback Number of Pages: 496 Authoritative new edition of Plato's Republic by acclaimed translator Christopher Rowe 'We set about founding the best city we could,...