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The History of the Future in Colonial Mexico
Author: Matthew D. O'Hara Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 272 A prominent scholar of Mexican and Latin American history challenges the field's focus on historical memory to examine colonial-era conceptions...
Future Humans: Inside the Science of Our Continuing Evolution
Author: Scott Solomon Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 240 Are humans still subject to the forces of evolution? An evolutionary biologist provides surprising insights into the future of Homo sapiens...
First U-Boat Flotilla
Author: Lawrence Paterson Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 224 Formed in 1935, 1st U-Boat Flotilla operated against Hitler's enemies from the very earliest stage of the War through to September...
Coming of Age in Iran: Poverty and the Struggle for Dignity
Author: Manata Hashemi Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 256 An inside look at young Iranians navigating poverty and stigma in a time of crisis Crippling sanctions, inflation, and unemployment have...
The Brain in Context: A Pragmatic Guide to Neuroscience
Author: Jonathan D. Moreno Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 280 The human brain is the most complex object in the known universe. The field of neuroscience has made remarkable strides...
Xurt'an: The End of the World and Other Myths, Songs, Charms, and Chants by the Northern Lacandones of Naha'
Author: Suzanne Cook Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 536 Xurt'an (the end of the world) showcases the rich storytelling traditions of the northern Lacandones of Naha' through a collection of...
What's Wrong with Economics?: A Primer for the Perplexed
Author: Robert Skidelsky Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 248 A passionate and informed critique of mainstream economics from one of the leading economic thinkers of our time This insightful book...
Wellington and the British Army's Indian Campaigns 1798 - 1805
Author: Martin R Howard Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 272 The Peninsular War and the Napoleonic Wars across Europe are subjects of such enduring interest that they have prompted extensive...
Risible Rhymes
Author: Muhammad ibn Mahfuz al-Sanhuri Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 128 Written in mid-seventeenth-century Egypt, Risible Rhymes is in part a short, comic disquisition on "rural" verse, mocking the pretensions...
The Normandy Air War 1944: Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives
Author: Anthony Tucker-Jones Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 128 The support provided by the Allied air armies to the preparations for the invasion of France and the Normandy campaign is...
The Nisibis War: The Defence of the Roman East, AD 337-363
Author: John S Harrel Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 288 The war of 337-363 (which the author dubs the Nisibis War), was an exception to the traditional Roman reliance on...
Lawrence of Arabia's Secret Dispatches during the Arab Revolt, 1915-1919
Author: Fabrizio Bagatti Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 272 T. E. Lawrence's dispatches during the Arab Revolt have been published before, but only in an edited and incomplete form, as...
Joan, Lady of Wales: Power and Politics of King John's Daughter
Author: Danna R Messer Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 256 The history of women in medieval Wales before the English conquest of 1282 is one largely shrouded in mystery. For...
In Darfur: An Account of the Sultanate and Its People, Volume Two
Author: Muhammad al-Tunisi Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 400 A merchant's account of his travels through an independent African state Muhammad ibn 'Umar al-Tunisi (d. 1274/1857) belonged to a family...
In Darfur: An Account of the Sultanate and Its People, Volume One
Author: Muhammad al-Tunisi Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 320 A merchant's account of his travels through an independent African state Muhammad ibn 'Umar al-Tunisi (d. 1274/1857) belonged to a family...
Hunting the Last Great Pirate: Benito de Soto and the Rape of the Morning Star
Author: Michael Edward Ashton Ford Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 240 In 1827 the Duke of Wellington - former Commander-in-Chief of the British Army and British Prime Minister - ordered...
Dissent: The History of an American Idea
Author: Ralph Young Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 640 Finalist, 2016 Ralph Waldo Emerson Award One of Bustle's Books For Your Civil Disobedience Reading List Examines the key role dissent...
Chinese Houses of South East Asia: The Eclectic Architecture of Sojourners and Settlers
$20.00 AUD
Author: Ronald G. Knapp Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 288 Over a period of several years, noted Chinese cultural historian Ronald G. Knapp traveled throughout Southeast Asia, searching out homes...
The Charge of the Heavy Brigade: Scarlett s 300 in the Crimea
Author: M J Trow Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 256 'Glory to each and to all, and the charge that they made!'Glory to all three hundred, and all the Brigade!'...
Brutus of Troy: And the Quest for the Ancestry of the British
Author: Anthony Adolph Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 240 Just who did the British think they were? For much of the last 1,500 years, when the British looked back to...
Brains Confounded by the Ode of Abu Shaduf Expounded, with Risible Rhymes: Volume Two
Author: Yusuf al-Shirbini Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 360 Witty, bawdy, and vicious, Yusuf al-Shirbini's Brains Confounded pits the "coarse" rural masses against the "refined" urban population. In Volume One,...
Arabian Romantic: Poems on Bedouin Life and Love
Author: 'Abdallah ibn Sbayyil Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 256 Love poems from late nineteenth-century Arabia Arabian Romantic captures what it was like to live in central Arabia before the...
Roman Conquests: Macedonia and Greece
Author: Philip Matyszak Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 192 In the late 3rd century BC, while Rome struggled for her very survival against the Carthaginians in the Second Punic War,...
Normandy 1944: German Military Organization, Combat Power and Organizational Effectiveness
Author: Niklas Zetterling Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 450 A revised and updated single-source reference book which accurately details the German field forces employed in Normandy in 1944 and their...
Max Jacob: A Life in Art and Letters
Author: Rosanna Warren (University of Chicago) Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 720 Though less of a household name than his contemporaries in early twentieth century Paris, Jewish homosexual poet Max...
Chinese Bridges: Living Architecture from China's Past
Author: Ronald G. Knapp Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 272 In Chinese Bridges, Ronald G. Knapp, one of the foremost experts on Chinese culture and historical geography, gives these under-regarded...
Arabian Satire: Poetry from 18th-Century Najd
Author: Hmedan al-Shwe'ir Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 208 Satirical verse on society and its hypocrisies A master of satire known for his ribald humor, self-deprecation, and invective verse (hija'),...
Antiochus The Great
Author: Michael Taylor Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 208 A teenage king in 223 BC, Antiochus III inherited an empire in shambles, ravaged by civil strife and eroded by territorial...
Boaz Vaadia: Sculpture 1971 - 2011
Author: Ivan C. Karp Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 284 Eye-catching, life-size, and natural stone sculptures creatively conceived and intricately constructed that stop passersby in their tracks, are the hallmark...
The Great Equations: Breakthroughs in Science from Pythagoras to Heisenberg
$20.00 AUD
Author: Robert P. Crease (Stony Brook University) Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 224 Philosopher and science historian Robert P. Crease tells the stories behind ten of the greatest equations in...
Wellington's Light Division in the Peninsular War: The Formation of Wellington's Famous Fighting Force, 1810
Author: Robert Burnham Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 248 In February 1810, Wellington formed what became the most famous British unit in the Peninsular War: the Light Division. Formed around...
War Songs
Author: 'Antarah ibn Shaddad Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 438 Poems of love and battle by Arabia's legendary warrior From the sixth-century highlands of Najd in the Arabian peninsula, on...
Siege of Brest 1941
Author: Rostislav Aliev Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 235 On 22 June 1941, soon after 3am, the first German shells smashed into the Soviet frontier fortress of Brest Hitler's Operation...
Septimius Severus in Scotland: The Northern Campaigns of the First Hammer of the Scots
$20.00 AUD
Author: Simon Elliott Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 208 'The order was brutal, its message unequivocal - kill the men, women and children of what is now Scotland and don't...
Rise of the Tang Dynasty: The Reunification of China and the Military Response to the Steppe Nomads (AD581-626)
Author: Julian Romane Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 217 Julian Romane examines the military events behind the emergence of the Sui and Tang dynasties in the period 581-626 AD. Narrating...
The Philosopher Responds: An Intellectual Correspondence from the Tenth Century, Volume Two
Author: Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 372 Questions and answers from two great philosophers Why is laughter contagious? Why do mountains exist? Why do we long for...
The Philosopher Responds: An Intellectual Correspondence from the Tenth Century, Volume One
Author: Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 336 Questions and answers from two great philosophers Why is laughter contagious? Why do mountains exist? Why do we long for...
On to Rome: Anzio and Victory at Cassino, 1944: Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives
Author: Jon Diamond Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 240 Early in 1944 the Allied advance was halted by the German defence of the Gustav Line. Even with the deployment of...
Mediterranean Naval Battles That Changed the World
Author: Quentin Russell Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 240 Focusing on seven decisive naval engagements from the Greek defeat of the Persians at Salamis in the fifth century BC to...
Japan Triumphant: The Far East Campaign 1941-1942
Author: Philip Jowett Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 184 The Japanese offensive in the Far East in 1941-2 was extraordinary in its ambition for their aim was to advance across...
It Happens With Gurkhas: Tales from an English Nepali, 1944-2015
Author: J P Cross Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 0 Gurkhas have served with the British for almost 200 years, first with the army of the East India Company, then...
In the Heat of Battle: A History of Those Who Rose to the Occasion and Those Who Didn't
Author: Donough O'Brien Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 288 Out of the last 3,500 years of our 'civilised' world, only for 230 have we been at peace. In "The Heat...
A Hundred and One Nights
Author: Bruce Fudge Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 416 A luminous translation of Arabic tales of enchantment and wonder Translated into English for the very first time, A Hundred and...
Hitler's French Volunteers
Author: Christopher Leguerandais Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 0 From 1941 to 1945, a large number of foreign soldiers were incorporated into the ranks of the German army in order...
Hitler's Air Defences
Author: Stephen Wynn Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 184 The first Allied bombing raid on Berlin during the course of the Second World War, took place on 7 June 1940,...
Guderian: Panzer General
Author: Kenneth Macksey Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 228 Born in Kulm, Germany, on 17 June 1888, Heinz Wilhelm Guderian was the son of an army officer. He eventually joined...
Fishing: How the Sea Fed Civilization
Author: Brian Fagan Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 368 Humanity's last major source of food from the wild, and how it enabled and shaped the growth of civilization In this...
Chiang Kai-Shek versus Tse-Tung: The Battle for China 1946 - 1949
Author: Philip Jowett Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 160 This volume in the Images of War series is the first photographic history of the Chinese Civil War, fought between Chiang...