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Cataclysm 90 BC: The Forgotten War That Almost Destroyed Rome
Author: Matyszak, Philip Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 192 We are accustomed to think of the late Republic as a period in which Rome enjoyed almost uninterrupted military success against...
The South Irish Horse in the Great War
Author: Mark Perry Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 211 On 12 June 1922 King George V received at Windsor Castle representatives of the six disbanded Irish regiments. While five had...
Imagined Civilizations: China, the West, and Their First Encounter
Author: Roger Hart Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 384 Accounts of the seventeenth-century Jesuit Mission to China have often celebrated it as the great encounter of two civilizations. The Jesuits...
Hitler's Revenge Weapons: The Final Blitz of London
Author: Nigel Walpole Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 216 From September 1940 until May 1941, Britain - especially Greater London - suffered heavily under a barrage of day and night-time...
Alcibiades: Athenian Playboy, General and Traitor
Author: P J Rhodes Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 160 Alcibiades is one of the most famous (or infamous) characters of Classical Greece. A young Athenian aristocrat, he came to...
Out of My League: The Classic Account of an Amateur's Ordeal in Professional Baseball
$20.00 AUD
Author: George Plimpton Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 176 This baseball classic that Ernest Hemingway called "beautifully observed and incredibly conceived" includes a foreword from Jane Leavy and never-before-seen content...
Thriving in Crisis: Buddhism and Political Disruption in China, 1522-1620
Author: Dewei Zhang Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 368 Late imperial Chinese Buddhism was long dismissed as having declined from the glories of Buddhism during the Sui and Tang dynasties...
The Sword of Ambition: Bureaucratic Rivalry in Medieval Egypt
Author: 'Uthman ibn Ibrahim al-Nabulusi Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 478 Patronage, power, and competition in the Sultan's court The Sword of Ambition opens a new window onto interreligious rivalry...
Rusty Brown
$20.00 AUD
Author: Chris Ware Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 356 A major graphic novel event more than 18 years in progress: part one of the ongoing bifurcated masterwork from the brilliant...
The Orphan of Zhao and Other Yuan Plays: The Earliest Known Versions
Author: Stephen H. West Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 408 This is the first anthology of Yuan-dynasty zaju (miscellaneous comedies) to introduce the genre to English-speaking readers exclusively through translations...
The Nixon Tapes: 1973
$20.00 AUD
Author: Professor Douglas Brinkley Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 848 The blueprint for Nixon's downfall, based on tapes released from 2010 to 2013, most of which have never been published...
The Komnene Dynasty: Byzantium's Struggle for Survival 1057-1185
Author: John Carr Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 256 The 128-year dynasty of the Komneni (1057 to 1185) was the last great epoch of Byzantium, when the empire had to...
James Monroe
Author: Tim Mcgrath Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 736 The extraordinary life of James Monroe- soldier, senator, diplomat, and the last Founding Father to hold the presidency, a man who...
Gunpowder and Geometry: The Life of Charles Hutton, Pit Boy, Mathematician and Scientific Rebel
Author: Benjamin Wardhaugh Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 320 August, 1755. Newcastle, on the north bank of the Tyne. In the fields, men and women are getting the harvest in....
The First Serious Optimist: A. C. Pigou and the Birth of Welfare Economics
Author: Ian Kumekawa Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 352 A groundbreaking intellectual biography of one of the twentieth century's most influential economists The First Serious Optimist is an intellectual biography...
A Cruel Captivity: Prisoners of the Japanese-Their Ordeal and The Legacy
Author: Ellie Taylor Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 208 Carefully and sensitively researched, A Cruel Captivity describes the ordeals of, and lasting impact on, survivors of Japanese captivity. Differing in...
Casanova's Guide to Medicine: 18th Century Medical Practice
Author: Lisetta Lovett Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 352 Giacomo Casanova's (1725-1798) reputation as libertine has sadly eclipsed his talents as scholar, linguist, prolific writer and manque doctor. Fortunately for...
Birds of Kenya's Rift Valley
Author: Adam Scott Kennedy Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 256 Kenya's Rift Valley includes four major national parks--Lake Nakuru, Lake Bogoria, Mount Longonot, and Hell's Gate--as well as many smaller...
Beethoven: The Relentless Revolutionary
Author: John Clubbe Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 512 Beethoven imbibed Enlightenment and revolutionary ideas in his hometown of Bonn, where they were fervently discussed in cafes and at the...
Strategist in Exile
Author: Rainer Nickel Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 144 Thucydides was the chronicler of the almost 30-year long Peloponnesian war, which came to a close with Sparta's victory over Athens...
Rome, Blood and Politics: Reform, Murder and Popular Politics in the Late Republic
Author: Gareth C. Sampson Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 286 The last century of the Roman Republic saw the consensus of the ruling elite shattered by a series of high-profile...
Kohima: The Furthest Battle: The Story of the Japanese Invasion of India in 1944 and the 'British-Indian Thermopylae'
Author: Leslie Edwards Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 0 By the end of 1943 the Japanese had occupied most of South-East Asia. On 6 March 1944, the first units of...
Kings and Kingship in the Hellenistic World 350 - 30 BC
Author: Dr. John D. Grainger Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 262 Between c.350 BC and 30 BC the Mediterranean world was one in which kings ruled. The exceptions were the...
Battle of Jutland: History's Greatest Sea Battle Told Through Newspaper Reports
Author: Richard H. Osborne Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 256 Since the days of the Battle of Trafalgar, the Royal Navy had been the acknowledged as the most powerful maritime...
A World to Win: The Life and Works of Karl Marx
Author: Sven-Eric Liedman Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 768 The globalised world of the twenty-first century has many parallels with that of the period running up to the cataclysm of...
Rebellion Against Henry III: The Disinherited Montfortians, 1265-1274
Author: David Pilling Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 224 The 'Montfortian' civil wars in England lasted from 1259-67, though the death of Simon de Montfort and so many of his...
Photographing the Deep Sky: Images in Space and Time
Author: Chris Baker Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 168 Spectacular nebulae where stars are born, beautiful star clusters from the early formation of the Milky Way, and galaxies as far...
On the Prowl: In Search of Big Cat Origins
Author: Mark Hallett (Dryaduir Hill Wildlife Reserve) Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 272 Big cats such as lions, tigers, leopards, and jaguars fascinate us like few other creatures. They are...
Military History of Late Rome 284 361
Author: Ilkka Syvanne Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 464 This ambitious series gives the reader a comprehensive narrative of late Roman military history from 284-641. Each volume (5 are planned)...
Madness of Alexander ther Great: And the Myths of Military Genius
Author: Professor Richard A. Gabriel Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 224 Over the years, some 20,000 books and articles have been written about Alexander the Great, the vast majority hailing...
Lucius Verus and the Roman Defence of the East
Author: M. C. Bishop Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 197 Lucius Verus is one of the least regarded Roman emperors, despite the fact that he was co-ruler with his adoptive...
In Search of Our Ancient Ancestors
Author: Anthony Adolph Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 256 What a fine long pedigree you have given the human race. Charles Darwin to Charles Lyell, 1863. How is the Royal...
The Dark Side of Samuel Pepys: Society's First Sex Offender
Author: Geoffrey Pimm Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 184 Samuel Pepys is popularly known as the founder of the modern navy, a member of the Royal Society and most of...
Crusaders and Revolutionaries of the Thirteenth Century: De Montfort
Author: Darren Baker Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 288 One of the families that dominated the thirteenth century were the de Montforts. They arose in France, in a hamlet close...
Brutus: Caesar's Assassin
Author: Dr. Kirsty Corrigan Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 192 Although Marcus Junius Brutus is one of the most famous, or infamous, conspirators of Rome and the ancient world, if...
The Bridge to Airpower: Logistics Support for Royal Flying Corps Operations on the Western Front, 1914-18
Author: Peter Dye Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 304 In the latest addition to the History of Military Aviation series, Peter Dye describes how the development of the air weapon...
Ali Pasha, Lion of Ioannina: The Remarkable Life of the Balkan Napoleon'
Author: Eugenia Russell Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 206 At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the life of a petty tyrant in an obscure corner of the Ottoman Empire...
Of Myth, Life, and War in Plato's Republic
Author: Claudia Baracchi Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 264 Although Plato's Republic is perhaps the most influential text in the history of Western philosophy, Claudia Baracchi finds that the work...
In the Name of Lykourgos
Author: Miltiadis Michalopoulos Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 272 In the middle of the 3rd century B.C. Sparta was a shadow of its glorious past. Politically and militarily weakened and...
Napoleon's Shield and Guardian
Author: Edward Ryan Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 424 This outstanding biography is a story of courage. It charts the career of a superbly brave cavalryman against the rise and...
E.O. Hoppe: The German Work: 1925-1938
Author: Phillip Prodger Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 240 Between 1925 and 1938, photographer E.O. Hoppe traveled the length and breadth of Germany, recording people and places at one of...
Caesar'S Greatest Victory: The Battle of Alesia, Gaul 52 Bc
Author: John Sadler Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 320 An exciting, readable new account of the Alesia campaign, incorporating the latest research, to illuminate the tactics of both Caesar and...
The Rama Epic: Hero, Heroine, Ally, Foe
Author: Forrest McGill Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 288 A huge number of artworks relating to the Rama legends have been made over the course of 1500 years in a...
Julia Velva, A Roman Lady from York: Her Life and Times Revealed
Author: Patrick Ottaway Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 336 The tombstone of Julia Velva, one of the best-preserved examples from Roman Britain, was found close to a Roman road just...
Grand Canal, Great River: The Travel Diary of a Twelfth-century Chinese Poet
Author: Philip Watson Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 256 In July 1170, a Chinese poet, politician and historian made a journey from west to east China. Lu You (pronounced 'loo...
Gender, Power, and Talent: The Journey of Daoist Priestesses in Tang China
Author: Jinhua Jia Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 352 During the Tang dynasty (618-907), changes in political policies, the religious landscape, and gender relations opened the possibility for Daoist women...
Eye of the Beholder: Johannes Vermeer, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, and the Reinvention of Seeing
Author: Laura J. Snyder (St. John's University) Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 448 On a summer day in 1674, in the small Dutch city of Delft, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek-a cloth...
Democracy's Beginning: The Athenian Story
Author: Thomas N. Mitchell Format: Hardback Number of Pages: 368 A history of the world's first democracy from its beginnings in Athens circa fifth century B.C. to its downfall 200...